The low-rise face of Mimico may soon be changing if developers have their way.
A massive proposal has been submitted to amend the City’s Official Plan and Zoning By-laws to permit the construction of a mixed use 10 storey building and a 33 storey tower on a four-block area at 2405 Lake Shore Blvd. W.
The building will feature 449 ‘first class’ condo units, including stores and access to Lake Ontario.
The plan is under review by City Council and no date has been set for when it will be voted on.

ANOTHER VIEW of the bottom floors of the 33 storey tower planned for where a popular coffee shop now operates. Courtesy photos.
The half-hectare site is located on the southeast side of Lake Shore Blvd. W., mid-block between Superior and Primrose Avenues, 750-metres east of the Mimico GO Station and 600-metres southwest of the Humber Bay Shores area, according to information filed.
The development will include an east west roadway that builders hope will “kickstart investment in the Mimico Secondary Plan Area of Etobicoke.”
“If approved, it would set a precedent for future development on the lake side of Lake Shore Boulevard in Mimico from a land use, urban design and city-building perspective,” according to the proposal.

AN EAST-WEST roadway is planned for behind the tower. Mimico will look different and prices will increase.
The building will be built on four parcels of land, which spans 53-metres of frontage on Lake Shore, in addition to the Mimico Water Front Trail and Amos Waites Park, which also front Lake Ontario.
“The site at present is occupied by several low-rise buildings including a medical office, rental apartments, storefronts, and a semi-detached dwelling,” according to the proposal.
It suggests a portion of land from Amos Waites Park used for the new public road running from Lake Shore adjacent to the building and then curving northeast to parallel the lake.
“The road would provide additional public road frontage to Amos Waites Park, allowing the park to be publicly accessible on three sides,” according to plans. “The proponents suggest a land swap near the lake end of their property to append to Amos Waites Park in order to replace lands that would need to be removed from the park to realize their proposal for the new road.”

PROPOSED site of a 33 storey tower being planned for 2405 Lake Shore Blvd. W., now under review by City Council.
The plan, if approved, would provide a total floor area of about 32,792 square metres, including some 345.5 square metres of retail space on the ground floor.
Three levels of below-grade parking, accessed by ramps off the driveway and future public road, would provide 259 parking spaces.
A formal notice of any public meeting held by the City or developers will go to community members.
The proposal seeks to redevelop and revitalize this “underutilized and relatively derelict site” and to “re-urbanize and reanimate the site in a manner that is in keeping with both the emerging built form context and the envisioned urban structure for the area.”
The proposal aims to leverage the site’s location along and access to Lake Ontario as well as its proximity to existing transit, planned higher order transit at the planned Park Lawn TTC/GO Transit Hub, and potential future transit priority treatments along Lake Shore Boulevard West.
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