The Eight Street Skatepark is a home for many young people during the summer.
A short survey is being circulated online by Eight Street Skatepark to collect community feedback for new murals being added this summer to the park.
Top muralists like Moises Frank (Luvsumone), Fatspatrol, Peru, Chris Perez and Nick Sweetman have their art proudly displayed in the Skatepark. Some of the art has faded from the weather and has to be redone.
Artists as Frank, Perez and Sweetman are in high-demand in Toronto and elsewhere. Many were recently involved in a Black Lives Matter Graffiti Alley that took place during the marches for equality last month.
“We plant to create four new murals to the skatepark this summer and provide maintenance to an already existing mural,” Skatepark officials said on Facebook. “This year’s project will focus on providing mentorship in the field of mural art.”
The project will provide an opportunity for artist assistants and a mural art project coordinator to be mentored, in an effort to build up the mural art talent in Toronto.
“Our goal is to collect community feedback so that the new murals being added to the Skatepark this summer reflect the community needs and ideas,” they said. “We have to ensure they are enjoyed.”
Located at Eight Street Park, at the corner of Eight St. and Birmingham St., the concrete community skatepark has a mix of flow and street, with a tough 5’ peanut-shaped bowl. This skatepark includes various sized quarterpipes, banks, stairs, rails, hedges and granite capped hubbas.
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