A public meeting by video conference is being held on April 22 to address the Christie’s Secondary Plan Area, at Lake Shore Blvd. W., and Park Lawn Ave.
The meeting, which is being held by the City Clerk’s Office, will request to amend the Official plan and zoning by-law 569 2013.
It will take place at 9:30 a.m. by video conference. Details to access the conference was not provided.
According to a notice of public meeting, the purpose of the Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments are to introduce a new Secondary Plan for the lands, bounded by Lake Shore Blvd. W., Park Lawn Rd., and the Gardiner Expressway and to amend the zoning by-law.
The Secondary Plan provides area specific policies and set out the long term vision for a complete community centered on transit investment, job creation, community services and facilities, parks, open spaces and mixed land use.
The Secondary Plan also directs a phased in development of a new GO Station and a transit hub integrating the new GO Station, with TTC service, affordable housing, public and private streets, two public parks, recreation centre, library, daycare, community space and space for schools.
The Official Plan amendment will re-designate the lands as general employment areas, mixed used areas and parks.
The zoning by-law will permit 15 tall buildings, ranging in height from 28 to 69 stories and a variety of mid-rise buildings resulting in about 7,500 residential units.
Parking will be below grade with consolidated access and parking rates will be set in the by-law.
For more information contact the City Clerk’s Office at 416-397-457 or visit the city’s website at www.toronto.ca