JANUARY 11 ETOBICOKE CAMERA CLUB Abstract Photography Presentation with photographer Craig Brown to present Complex Distractions, about abstract and ICM Photography. Purchase $10 tickets from the ECC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/etobcc. For schedule go to http://etobicokecameraclub.org.
STARTING JANUARY 12 BIWEEKLY ON TUESDAYS the Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment STEAM program for girls to participate in hands on learning opportunities in the field of STEAM. For more information contact email at info@jeanaugustinecentre.ca or phone at 416-253-9797.
JANUARY 17 EMPOWERED GIRLS STEAM program begins at Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment for ages 12 to 17 biweekly on Tuesdays starting Jan. 17. Participate in hands-on learning opportunities in the field of STEAM. Contact 416-253-9797 or email info@jeanaugustinecentre.ca
JANUARY 18 TO MARCH 5 FREE ZOOM ONLINE PROGRAMS at the Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment, 101 Portland St., with more than a dozen popular programs to choose from. Contact information above.
JANUARY 18 TO MARCH 5 FREE ONLINE WINTER PROGRAMS by the Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment via Zoom to learn about Chef’s Catering (senior), Craft for a Cause, Reader to reader, Craftastic market and Tik Tok dance. Contact information above.
JANUARY 18 YOUTH COUNCIL, JANUARY 19 Licensed 2 Learn Tutor Training, January 23 Hairology from 12 to 2 p.m., where you can become a scientist of hair. At the Jean Augustine Centre of Young Women’s Empowerment at 416-253-9797.
JANUARY 6, 13, 20, 27 JOIN CORIN every Wednesday at 3 p.m. on Zoom for the continuation of our mindfulness series offered by LAMP.
JANUARY 19, 26 AND FEBRUARY 4 and 11 for LAMP wellness series with Mary Craig at 2 p.m. on Zoom and focus on renewal, mixture of stretches, breathing and self-reflections. Contact Jasmin at 416-252-6471 ext. 308 or email jasmind@lampchc.org
JANUARY IS CARDS OF HOPE MAKING if you have someone who would benefit from receiving an uplifting original Card of Hope in the mail. Very cool. Volunteers are also sought to help make the cards. Contact Jasmin for more information on card making kits.
JANUARY FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD PODS PROJECT and another information session and community leadership training with 5 to 7 workshops. For information on this new project, volunteers supporting others in the community are required. Please contact Jasmin.
JANUARY AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING work continues with a community Zoom forum at the end of January about Lakeshore Affordable Housing Advocacy and Action Group. Date to be finalized. Contact Jasmin at 416-252-6471 ext. 308 or email jasmind@lampchc.org
FREE MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELLING FOR INFANTS, children, youth and families by phone or video, no fees or appointments. Qualified counsellors available Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Contact 1-866-585-6486.
HUMBER COLLEGE DISPUTE RESOLUTION CLINIC is offering free online help to support community members in conflict coaching, conflict de-escalation techniques and facilitated mediations. Trained alternate dispute resolution student adivisors and mediators are available for support by emailing northdrc@ignitestudentlife.com
EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO JOBS provides one-on-one employment training, resume, cover letter, interview preparation and provides links to employers. More than 200 clients have been hired in two years. Book an appointment by calling 416-239-7309. Office near Kipling subway.
WARM CLOTHING DRIVE IN SUPPORT of Haven on The Queensway in need of gently used warm clothing for men, women and children. New socks and underwear for men and women, personal hygiene items and clean, gently used winter footwear. Items can be dropped off at Haven every Monday to Thursday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 1533 The Queensway.
ETOBICOKE SERVICES FOR SENIORS (ESS) grocery delivery program. Step 1 register and place order. Step 2 ESS will pick up grocery and deliver to your door. It will cost the price of your groceries and a $3.50 delivery fee. Call 416-243-0127 ext. 555.
KIWANIS KINGSWAY HUMBER COVID RELIEF FUND to help charities in Etobicoke and residents who are in urgent need for funding. Our COVID Relief Fund is set up to help those organizations. Visit www.kingswaykiwanishumber.com.
FREE SOUP ON SUNDAY TAKES PLACE EVERY SUNDAY between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. at St. Margaret’s Anglican Church, at 156 Sixth Street. Free piping hot soup packed in individual Styrofoam containers ready for take-out and go when you show up.
MONTGOMERY’s INN FOR CURBSIDE PICKUPS ONLY: please continue to support our local farmers and food producers by ordering from the market online from Thursday to Monday and pick up on Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at a table outside the main entrance. The Inn is located at 4709 Dundas St.W., and orders can be placed at www.montgomerysinnovators.ca.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP AT THE SALVATION ARMY, on Thirtieth Street, at this time of the year. More than 800 area families this year will receive Christmas assistance. Please consider donating. Foodbank available. Contact Jennifer at 416- 251-8372 ext. 101.