Area nature lovers are mourning the loss of one of the oldest trees in Toronto, and Canada, due to ill health.
The so-called Great White Oak, which was estimated to be 330-years-old was cut down last October 4 by City crews, in a process that required many hours and large construction cranes.
Long Branch historian Bill Zufelt said the massive tree was located on Great Oak Drive, in the Islington Avenue and Rathburn Road area.
“It was already showing severe decline with deadly fungi growing out of its trunk,” Zufelt said. “Toronto Forestry removed the fungi and it lived another year.”
He said the tree was suffering from internal rot and decay, which was becoming increasingly evident.
“The tree was Red Tagged as a possible falling hazard risk, so for public safety and liability issues, Toronto Forestry had it removed,” said the avid tree lover.
Zufelt said City arborists based on tree’s enormous girth, determined it to be about 330-years-old and one of the oldest in Toronto.
He said local folklore had given it the dubious title of ‘The Hanging Tree.’
This oak had survived the American Revolution, War of 1812, Canadian Confederation, World War 1 and 11.
“The Great White Oak of Etobicoke will always be a stoic legend to the thousands of us who have passed beneath her consoling branches for over three centuries,” he said.