Legislation is before Ontario government that will provide financial assistance to more veterans who need some help in these trying times.
The Soldiers Aid Commission Act, 2020, if passed, will ensure veterans of all ages and their families, not just those who served in the Second World War and the Korean War, will be eligible to apply for financial assistance.
This aid will help many veterans in the South Etobicoke area who have fought in many wars.
The government is proposing to increase its investment in the Soldiers’ Aid Commission to more than $1.5 million annually.
The badly-needed funding will veterans who are unable to pay for health-related items such as hearing aids, wheelchairs and glasses, home-related items such as home accessibility modifications and repair costs, and personal items and support services such as clothing and counselling.
“Regardless of when and where they served, our veterans face many challenges,” said Todd Smith, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services. “We’re committed to helping more of our heroes in need through the Soldiers’ Aid Commission.”
He said the helps includes everything from post-traumatic stress disorder, physical injury, challenges finding employment and even at times facing homelessness.
“We’re excited about the government’s commitment to support veterans,” said Colin Rowe, Chair of the Soldiers’ Aid Commission. “Our commission has helped thousands of veterans and their families over the years, but their needs are growing and our veterans deserve our help.”
To be eligible for assistance, a veteran must be in financial need live in Ontario, have served with the Canadian Armed Forces in the Second World War or the Korean War. Veterans who served in the Merchant Navy during the Second World War are also eligible for assistance. Financial assistance may also extend to spouses and children of veterans.
The Lieutenant Governor established the Soldiers’ Aid Commission in 1915 through an Order in Council to help returning First World War veterans and their families with problems they faced as they re-entered civilian life, such as finding work and housing.
Over the years, the commission has provided financial support for countless veterans and their families to assist them during hardships.
The commission, as a program of last resort, may share the costs of special items and services with other veterans’ organizations. The commission may provide up to $2,000 over a 12-month period to an eligible applicant.
The commission accepts applications made by veterans or their families to the Royal Canadian Legion – Ontario Command. They can also call toll free 1-888-207-0939 or email info@on.legion.ca