Many Humber Bay Shores residents are still fuming online about the new Jean Augustine Fountain, which they call cheap and lacking a safety fence.
“The lack of fence is a valid concern,” says resident Eric Code. “That was a lot of money spent for aesthetic change that benefits few.”
The structure was updated this year with an ornamental fountain added in what was previously the Jean Augustine Park Pond that was surrounded by vegetation.
Code writes that “the old pond supported wildlife, including ducks and songbirds. This fountain never will.”
“I don’t think this new fenceless fountain was well thought out,” he reminded others on social media. “Our public spaces should be driven by the greater public they serve.”
Hundreds of Humber Bay area residents have gone online in recent weeks to blast the fountain and those who had it installed. Many want a safety fence erected around the fountain because young children play on the rocks.
Marta Legrady says she preferred the former pond.
“It was previously an overgrown fountain, it turned into a pond environment with lack of maintenance,” she wrote.
Lisa A. Sharples says the fountain “looks like designed by a two-year-old, it’s a circle of blocks.”
“It should have been a playground for kids since there isn’t one really close and with so many kids in the condos it would have been great for them,” Sharples says.
Still many other contend the fountain is a waste of money with Lake Ontario hundreds of feet away.