The Toronto Police Service will be getting a new police chief on Monday, December 19.
The force at 11 a.m. will host a Change of Command ceremony for Chief Designate of the Toronto Police Service, Myron Demkiw, M.O.M.
The ceremony will take place in the Grand Foyer of Toronto Police Headquarters, at 40 College Street.
The ceremony will include the swearing-in of Chief Designate Demkiw, including administration of the Oath of Office and the Oath of Secrecy, and remarks from the Chief and special guests.
Chief James Ramer will be piped out of the building in a special ceremony, in honour of his extraordinary career and leadership.
New Chief Demkiw will answer media questions in the Toronto Police Media Gallery at 2:00 p.m.
Due to space limitations, the building will not be open to the public on December 19. For those interested, the ceremony will be livestreamed on the TPS You Tube channel.
Only accredited media will have access to designated media areas due to space limitations. News organizations may provide a list of media any time up to 8:00 a.m. on Monday.
Headquarters will be open to media beginning at 8:00 a.m. via the Grenville Street entrance.
Global News is providing camera coverage of the Change of Command ceremony beginning at 11 a.m. This will be a pool feed for other broadcast media.
The news conference will take place in the Media Gallery and will be broadcast on Dome Productions and live-streamed on You Tube.
Toronto Police Headquarters will be shut to the public and will reopen on December 20.
Grenville Street between Bay Street and Yonge Street will be closed to all but local traffic (which includes TPS members).