The new owners of the former Campbell’s Soup plant has filed an application to replace the existing buildings and use the site as a distribution centre, says Councillor Stephen Holyday.
Holyday, in a letter to address concerns in the community, says demolition of the historic 60 Birmingham St. factory and construction of three interconnected buildings are also proposed.
He says many New Toronto residents have reached out to his office about the routing of trucks and possible noise and dust concerns.
“Concerns expressed over the quantity and routing of trucks, and possible noise impacts, have been prevalent,” Holyday writes. “I anticipate that these will be central to the presentation by the applicant in their information session.”
The site is designated in the City’s Official Plan and zoned as Employment and permits a range of uses including; warehousing, cold storage, manufacturing, dry cleaning and laboratories.
“No changes to the existing zoning permissions have been proposed, because a distribution centre is already allowed to operate on the site,” according the Holyday’s letter.
City Planning is reviewing the application to examine the design, technical aspects and to ensure it is attractive and compatible with the surrounding area and contributes to the economic, social and environmental vitality.
Features such as building designs, site access and servicing, waste storage, parking, loading and landscaping are being reviewed.
He notes that the South building will maintain the historical factory façade.
Internally-facing loading areas will be served through the west side and will use the driveway at the northwest corner off of New Toronto St., plans show. The two other driveways and a new driveway off Dwight Ave. is proposed to provide access to employee and visitor parking.
City Planning will consult other departments and work with the owner to make any needed adjustments. Holyday says City Planning has the authority to approve the final site plan. Following this, the owners may apply for permits to construct the buildings and landscaping.
Because of the local interest, the owner, QuadReal Development Group, of B.C., which also also own Cloverdale Mall, intends to host a virtual meeting to keep the community informed.
The former Campbell’s Soup factory existed at 60 Birmingham Street for almost 90 years, and closed in 2018.
Revised plans will be posted to the City’s website as they become available.